Jun 11, 2020
Getting people to work effectively as teams is a talent that can be learnt. And once you understand what it is that holds people in the storming phase of their team development, then you can use some simple strategies to raise the likelihood they get through that phase quickly and become a high performance team. In this...
Jun 10, 2020
If you are a leader, who do you put first - yourself or your people? The true test of this is when things are not going so well; during business downturns, during pandemic isolations, when you don’t have sufficient equipment for everyone, when office space is limited. Leaders eating last is a lesson that relates to...
Jun 9, 2020
Everyone is challenged in getting others to change their behaviour at some time in their life. It can be as a parent or as a leader or as a business owner; doesn’t matter what the situation is we all have to work through the issues of this at some time.
As you’ll learn in this podcast, if you are going to have...